Data News, GESIS - Data Archive

GESIS - Data Archive - Data News

  • 23 Dec 2021 12:41 Top News
    SowiDataNet|datorium: 'Data sets and syntax for: "Meitinger, K. & Kunz, T. Visual Design and Cognition in List-Style Open-Ended Questions in Web Probi' available

  • Data from the project 'Data sets and syntax for: "Meitinger, K. & Kunz, T. Visual Design and Cognition in List-Style Open-Ended Questions in Web Probi' are now available with DOI 10.7802/2353 at GESIS - Data Archive for the Social Sciences.

    Primary researchers of this submission are:
    Meitinger, Katharina; Universiteit Utrecht
    Kunz, Tanja; GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften

    Availability: Free access (without registration)

    More information is available at SowiDataNet|datorium: 10.7802/2353