Data News, GESIS - Data Archive

GESIS - Data Archive - Data News

  • 15 Jun 2021 11:57 Political Attitudes and Behavior; Income; Society, Culture; Family; Religion and Weltanschauung; Person, Personality, Role
    Cohesion in Diversity. Diversity Barometer 2019 of the Robert Bos... (ZA6854) available

  • Data from the study 'Cohesion in Diversity. Diversity Barometer 2019 of the Robert Bosch Stiftung' are new available under number ZA6854 at GESIS - Data Archive for the Social Sciences.

    Primary researchers of this study are:
    Arant, Regina, Jacobs University Bremen
    Dragolov, Georgi, Jacobs University Bremen
    Gernig, Björn, Jacobs University Bremen
    Boehnke, Klaus, Jacobs University Bremen

    Dataset: 1.0.0 (15.06.2021) doi:10.4232/1.13759

    Access class: A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

    More information is available at the data catalogue: study description.