Data News, GESIS - Data Archive

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  • 1 Oct 2018 17:31 Top News
    datorium: 'EUvox2014: Voting Advice Application data for the 2014 European Parliament elections' published

  • Data regarding the study 'EUvox2014: Voting Advice Application data for the 2014 European Parliament elections' are available with DOI 10.7802/1750 at GESIS - Data Archive for the Social Sciences.

    Primary researcher of this study is:
    Mendez, Fernando; University of Zürich

    Manavopoulos, Vasileios; Cyprus University of Technology; Researcher

    Data set: 10.7802/1750

    Availability: free access (with registration)

    More information is available at datorium: 10.7802/1750

    Related data on party positions can be found here: Gemenis, K., Mendez, F. and Wheatley, J. (2018). 'Political parties' policy positions for the 2014 elections to the European Parliament". Dataset published by GESIS Datorium (Licences: CC BY-NC 4.0). Available at:;