Syntax files from the study 'Code/Syntax: Do Mothers and Fathers in Germany Really Prefer a Traditional Division of Labor? The Impact of Working Hours on Life Satisfaction Reconsidered' are now available with DOI 10.7802/2436 at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
This submission is part of Replikationsserver and is associated with the publication: Heyne, S. & Wolbring, T. (2022). Do Mothers and Fathers in Germany Really Prefer a Traditional Division of Labor? The Impact of Working Hours on Life Satisfaction Reconsidered. Zeitschrift für Soziologie.
Primary researchers of this study are: Heyne, Stefanie; Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung Wolbring, Tobias; FAU Nürnberg-Erlangen
Availability: Free access (without registration)
More information is available at SowiDataNet|datorium: 10.7802/2436