Syntax files from the study 'Einkommensunterschiede zwischen alleinerziehenden und verheirateten Müttern 1997-2015. Eine detaillierte Effekt-Dekomposition' are now available with DOI 10.7802/2314 at GESIS - Data Archive for the Social Sciences.
This submission is associated with the publication: Hartmann, Jörg, Preisendörfer, Peter, 2021: Development and Structure of Environmental Worries in Germany 19842019. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 50(5): 322-337.
Primary researchers of this study are: Hartmann, Jörg; Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Preisendörfer, Peter; Universität Mainz
Availability: Free access (without registration)
More information is available at datorium: 10.7802/2314