Data News, GESIS - Data Archive

GESIS - Data Archive - Data News

  • 14 Jul 2020 12:40 Political Attitudes and Behavior; Economic Policy, National Economic Situation; Social Policy; Society, Culture; Family; Religion and Weltanschauung; Medicine; Communication, Public Opinion, Media; Person, Personality, Role; Natural Environment, Nature
    German General Social Survey (ALLBUScompact) - Cumulation 1980-20... (ZA5277) available

  • Data from the study 'German General Social Survey (ALLBUScompact) - Cumulation 1980-2018' are new available under number ZA5277 at GESIS - Data Archive for the Social Sciences.

    Primary researchers of this study are:
    Klaus Allerbeck, University of Frankfurt
    Jutta Allmendinger, University of Munich
    Hans-Jürgen Andreß, University of Cologne
    Stefan Bauernschuster, University of Passau
    Wilhelm Bürklin, University of Potsdam
    Andreas Diekmann, ETH Zurich
    Hubert Feger, Free University of Berlin
    Detlef Fetchenhauer, University of Cologne
    Andreas Hadjar, University of Luxemburg
    Johannes Huinink, University of Bremen
    Marie Luise Kiefer, University of Vienna
    Frauke Kreuter, University of Munich
    Steffen Kühnel, University of Göttingen
    Karin Kurz, University of Göttingen
    M. Rainer Lepsius, University of Heidelberg
    Stefan Liebig, University of Bielefeld
    Karl Ulrich Mayer, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
    Heiner Meulemann, University of Cologne
    Walter Müller, University of Mannheim
    Karl Dieter Opp, University of Leipzig
    Franz Urban Pappi, University of Mannheim
    Ulrich Rosar, University of Düsseldorf
    Erwin K. Scheuch, University of Cologne
    Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, University of Mannheim
    Heike Solga, University of Göttingen
    Heike Trappe, University of Rostock
    Michael Wagner, University of Cologne
    Ulrich Wagner, University of Marburg
    Bettina Westle, University of Marburg
    Rolf Ziegler, University of Munich

    Dataset: 1.0.0 (03.07.2020) doi:10.4232/1.13484

    Access class: A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

    More information is available at the data catalogue: study description.