Data News, GESIS - Data Archive

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  • 29 Oct 2018 11:12 Top News
    datorium: 'Code/Syntax: Social origin and between-track mobility in the general education system in West Germany and East Germany after German unification' published

  • Scripts regarding the study 'Social origin and between-track mobility in the general education system in West Germany and East Germany after German unification' are available with DOI 10.7802/1693 at GESIS - Data Archive for the Social Sciences.

    Primary researcher of this study is:
    Blossfeld, Pia; Universität Leipzig

    This submission is part of Replikationsserver and is associated with the publication:Blossfeld, Pia, 2018: Social origin and between-track mobility in the general education system in West Germany and East Germany after German unification. Zeitschrift für Soziologie (4).

    Data: 10.7802/1693

    Availability: under embargo until 2019-06-15

    More information is available at datorium: 10.7802/1693