Data News, GESIS - Data Archive

GESIS - Data Archive - Data News

  • 17 Oct 2016 15:33 Top News
    datorium: 'Seeking revenge or seeking reconciliation? Adopting perpetrator or victim focus helps explain responses in reciprocal intergroup conflict' published

  • Data from the project 'Seeking revenge or seeking reconciliation? Adopting perpetrator or victim focus helps explain responses in reciprocal intergroup conflict' are now available with DOI 10.7802/1331 at GESIS - Data Archive for the Social Sciences.

    Primary researcher of this submission is:
    Gausel, Nicolay

    Leach, Colin Wayne
    Mazziotta, Agostino
    Feuchte, Friederike

    Dataset: 10.7802/1331

    Availability: free access (with registration)

    More information is available at datorium: 10.7802/1331